We've been a bit stressed out around here, though mostly that has been DH, the last few weeks. I suggested that he do a TedX talk on creativity, since as a family we get a bit of interest around our presentation. So he made a submission; “Creative expression starts with connection and the support to express yourself. Connection and support starts with the family”. Shortly after he received a "yes". Then he progressively got more and more stressed, til it all came together on the day. So the week before around here, it was not a relaxing place to be. This is his blog with his experience.
Willow and Gabriel went to hear all the talks, but since Irving is still a bit little I snuck into the Lawrence Wilson Gallery, with Arden and Irving, at UWA to hear Damien and then snuck out again. I'm glad we went to hear it, but Irving was a bit chatting during it; particularly when Damien came out to speak, and he yelled, "DADDY!" Fortunately it didn't put Damien off. Irving, Arden and I spent some time exploring the beautiful gardens around UWA afterwards.
The grounds at UWA
Mostly I've been working through getting through my sewing pile this week, taking in some clothes, with the help of a new book that I picked up, "The Sewing Bible for Clothes Alterations" by Judith Turner. We've also caught up with friends, and continued reading "Little House on the Prairie", Willow, Gabriel, Damien and I went to a workshop by the Rich Dad, Poor Dad group and Gabriel, Willow and Damien went to see WA Opera perform "The Elixir of Love".
Willow has gotten back into her school work this week, and had an audition, for a youtube series, which she was happy with. We've been gradually catching up on our feedback/meeting sessions with her, since the busy perfomance season.
It's been rather rainy this week, but we've just had a sunflower open on our balcony, and Irving and Arden have been nibbling our cherry size tomatoes that are ripening.
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