Friday, July 29, 2016

Ending our Break

We are finally at the end of our winter break, and as usual part of me is a bit sorry, and part of me is looking forward to our usual routine.  I am feeling quite satisfied that I have managed to get through most of my sewing pile!  There are a few things still sitting there, but it is significantly reduced.  I haven't finished Irving's jammies yet, so I think I'll be focusing on them next.  I also purchased some vintage style stockings from What Katie Did,  I'm hoping the quality will be nice, as Leona Edmiston no longer make stockings it seems.

We've spent a bit of time cooking this week, as well as sewing and reading.  Willow discovered that she's been accepted into a role on a youtube series, so she was very excited about that, and Gabriel has spent half the week planning for a Games Workshop tournament this weekend.  We've also been having family music nights, and reading the bible.

Making custard

Vanilla custard and Chocolate and nutmeg custard
One of Gabriel's miniatures.

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