Friday, July 29, 2016

History of Analgoue TV

Recently our whole family went out to the Open Day at Wireless Hill, had a look at their exhibition.  We discovered that they regularly do talks on technology, and Damien took Willow, Gabriel and Arden to have a look at their TV exhibition and hear about the history of analogue TV.

One of the first TVs made, from an oscilloscope.  Apparently DIY from a hobby magazine.

View from Wireless Hill


Uma said...

I will one day see if we have something similar here in Adelaide, we may. The end of the analogue signal and the recycling of all E-Waste (banned from landfill in South Australia since 2007) means that many grand old tellies came out of sheds and were placed on verges for recycling pick-up a few years ago. That would have offered an ideal opportunity for a museum/treasure trove of old tellies to be collected and preserved. Nice to see your photos.

Uma said...

Good to see your photos. Many only tellies have come out of sheds in recent years with the advent of the digital age, would have been a good opportunity to collect a museum or atleast an amazing collection here in Adelaide as well. I liked the wood paneling used up until the early 80s and how TVs were a piece of furniture and had knobs and buttons :-)