Thursday, June 9, 2016

Iolanthe has take over!!!

We are now in our second week of Gilbert and Sullivan performances, with Iolanthe.  Irving and I went to see the show last week,and fortunately for me Irving loved it, so I got to watch most of it.  Arden is enjoying his first time acting, and everyone has been returning filled with enthusiasm each night (which is great, because it is quite hectic, 9performances in a fortnight!)

Irving showing off his family in Iolanthe.

We found a beautiful vintage leatherette make-up case for Willow to use for Iolanthe.

We've mostly been taking it easy during the week; just doing a bit of new work (Arden has been looking at homes,  Gabriel; engines (steam and diesel), and focusing on people being well rested.

Some interesting dice construction play!

Another sketch from Gabriel's biology block. (I really liked this but fogot to take a picture of it before!)

Examining our rotary telephone.  (We have two, one doesn't dial- we've figured out what we think needs replacing, and are hoping to find a part)

Willow trialling fairy hair styles for Iolanthe.

Arden learning to sew.  A purse for his doll.

And me, baking, baking and baking. (I've been trying to make sure there are lots of good snacks being taken to Iolanthe- so no-one feels tempted to eat junk whilst there.)

Pear, jam and cream tart.

Pumpkin pie, with our new very creepy looking Jack-o-lantern.

Looking forward to getting back to our normal routine!

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