Monday, February 27, 2012

The last Fortnight

So next week we'll be onto grade 7, grade 5 and kindy-at-home for Arden. I've spent this evening arranging Gabriel's first block, and helping Willow plan hers. So looks as if we're all arranged. I'm looking forward to having extra time with Arden, and I'm hoping that Willow will find her way, with directing her learning.

We headed out to the Steiner shop at Bibra lake again last week, this time going via Fremantle. It was certainly a much more pleasant journey. Since our last visit, the shop has also renamed itself, and is now called 'the Honeyclock',after a giant honey filled egg timer they sell. I do like the shop there, and we had a pleasant time looking around at all the different items. I picked up a blackboard, duster and chalk, as well as some main lesson books, pencils, modelling wax and a book by Padraic Colum, 'The boy Apprenticed to an Enchanter.' The blackboard has gone down well with everyone, and it was quite amusing watching everyone wondering about how to use the duster!

I also picked up a glockenspiel last week, it's probably the nicest quality instrument in the house. It has a beautiful resonance. I'm hoping to make quite a bit of use of it with Arden. Damien also bought us a keyboard, to help Gabriel and Willow out with their musicianship classes. Everyone is quite taken by it. Damien and I have been practising daily, Arden likes to changes it to drumming and use it as a drum machine, and Willow and Gabriel have just been generally trying out tunes on it.

Gabriel has turned ten, and our birthday season is over til next Summer. It was pleasant to just make it a family affair this year. It's the first time we've done that, so it felt a lot less busy, which was very nice. Willow and Gabriel went busking at the Perth Cultural Centre, and we also came across the Red ball Project, on Gabriel's birthday. Everyone found the giant ball quite fun.

We also headed to our first homeschool outing for the year, off to the Naturaliste Marine Discovery Centre. Willow and Gabriel enjoyed the class, and whilst they were busy doing that Arden and I got to pat some sea creatures in a rock pool, at the centre, amongst them was a cat shark, sea urchins, star fish, and sea cucumbers. We had a swim at the beach at Hillarys after, it is quite an interesting set up, enclosed in from the ocean, by the marina.

Hillarys Beach

On the beach theme, we headed to Cottesloe last week, and were chased out of the water, by the life guards, setting a siren off, for a shark warning. A helicopter had been following it up the coast, til it was too near to the swimmers. Apparently it was a hammerhead. I suggested that it was nicer just spotting dolphins in Adelaide, but the kids were just as impressed by the shark idea.

Finally Willow went out last weekend with Damien on a catamaran. They both headed out onto the Swan River, for an hours worth of sailing. Willow loved it and Gabriel will be going this weekend, with Damien.

Looking North across the Swan

And I've finished carving my egg! I polished it with beeswax today, and I'm quite happy with it.

Everyone else's are also progress nicely, and now I seem to be also making one for Arden!
L-R: Egg for Arden, Willow's, Gabriel's and mine.

We do seem to have been very busy recently! And actually there has been more happening- circus class have started again, and both the kids have new bikes, and Damien and I have been discussing Codex amongst our food oriented community. We have had a very lovely Summer here, getting out and doing lots of things, but I am glad that it's starting to feel cooler. Even if that means the temperature is in the high 20's during the day, and high teens overnight.

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