Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Term 3

With Arden back at TAFE, and with only Irving to home educate I decided it was time to slow right down.  Irving's whole life had been chasing around older kids, and trying to keep up with both what they were doing, and their time schedules, so we dropped iceskating, and decided just to stick with woodwork and music.  Unfortunately there were not enough kids for the woodwork class, so with another friend, we decided to do private classes so that we could continue.  This gave us 5 weeks of woodwork, and we decided to try archery classes for the last couple of weeks of term.

Irving's treasure box

My treasure box.


We did some more watercolour painting together.  Mine is the turtle on the left, and Irving's is the full moon.

We looked at platonic solids and built a bunch of them with toothpicks and modelling wax.

Tetrahedron and cube.

More shapes.

A merkaba and our copy of Quadrivium.

Wandering around our local area, and admiring this house since it has been restored.

One of Irving's favourite times of year- the hard waste treasure hunt!

For this years Homeschool Christmas market, Irving decided that he would add plants to his collection of things to sell (he had a few things left over from last year, and some golf clubs he found in the hard waste.)  So we got onto learning about taking cuttings and and grew a few things from seed.  He ended up with some succulents, some herbs and a rubber tree, which he was very pleased with!

Taking cuttings of Rosemary

Irving's prepared plants on the metal shelves.

Archery classes were a little different to previous versions that we had tried.  This version is called archery tag, and the bows have soft padding on the ends so that the kids can shoot at or towards each other.  It was very dynamic and a lot of fun.

During the holidays he did Tacker 1 sailing classes at Nedland's Yacht club, and absolutely loved them.  We discovered during the weeks lessons, that he received complementary membership with the club, and so he's been along for the Sunday sailing sessions a few times too.
Getting ready to try sailing
Out in the dinghys.

I've been continuing to learn about redbubble and ordering a few products here and there, to see what the quality is like.  I ordered a couple of my cat sketches as cards, and  a few other styles too.  I really liked how my turtle painting, that is pictured above came out.

I've also been continuing on my theme of painting pastries for my shop.

Irving really liked my painting of the Frasier at Something French, from earlier in the year, so I framed that for him.

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