Sunday, January 30, 2011

craft, class 4, music and new books

In preparation for our woodwork this term, I decided that now Arden is bigger I could sit down and do some woodworking myself. And so I've made a start on carving a wooden egg using a rasp and pocket knife. So far it's coming along nicely.

My plans for class 4 have also been completed. There's little variation from the first time around with Willow, but there are a few new things, and slight variations where I've found some better sources of information, in time for my planning.

Classes this terms include suzuki flute for Willow, singing in the second concert choir for Young Adelaide voices and suzuki violin lessons for Gabriel. Both of them will also be doing a bow making workshop, which sound very exciting IMO.

I headed to our local anthroposophical store recently and picked up a couple of good books, and am awaiting a third. So far I've found the first one very helpful for craft.

Will Developed Intelligence.

The next one I bought with some of the geometric drawing in mind.

Making Maths Meaningful

Lot's of interesting reading.

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