Saturday, August 14, 2010

Jam Factory and finished work

Last week we headed to the open day of the Jam Factory and had a fabulous time. We were there for most the day, looking round, trying crafts and exploring the place. We arrived fairly early and had a try at the glass blowing whilst it was quiet, and then went to watch some artists blowing glasses for a while whilst Willow, Gabriel and Arden had their faces painted.

Their was also the opportunity to try pottery and using the pottery wheel. So Willow and Gabriel also tried that out. And we got to look around and see some jewellery making, wood being steamed and bent, and then return to the glass blowing to have another go. I must admit the glass blowing was lots of fun, and I would like to try it again.

Meanwhile we all finished our baskets.

Willow's basket

Gabriel's Basket

And mine- think maybe I should put it in a tree as a bird's nest!

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