Everyone is also now, a year older. Arden turned one, Damien and I turned 35, WillowUnicorn turned 9 and Gabriel turned 7. Birthday wise we're now done til December. All were lots of fun, but it does make it a very busy time. Something fun was done for everyone's birthday-my special thing was the beautiful macaroon cake made by Sweettart, and a lovely roast lunch prepared by Damien.
Willow has now started violin lessons, and seems to be really enjoying it so far, and both the older two are taking swimming lessons in Woodville, with a brilliant instructor called Ken. We did vacswim at the beach, at Glenelg, and whilst always fun, Ken seems to be much more useful in helping children to feel confident about swimming in the water.
Lastly it's time for us to move house, no idea where yet, I guess time will tell.