As co-vid lockdown receded and we thought about our coming year, we decided to try to continue with a slower pace of life for at least the short term. Sadly Arden's favourite activity- iceskating - came to an end as our preferred iceskating rink closed during lockdown. We decided to go and trial an ice hockey session; just after having enrolled to do ten pin bowling. The ice hockey went down well. As did the ten pin bowling. We had enrolled in the teenage class- Irving had said he wasn't interested in doing ten pin, but by mid term he was part of the teenage class and loving it.
For quite some time we have attended plenty of arts events- Fringe, Festival, Ballets and Operas. Due to co-vid we decided to slow down on this and take the year more slowly. We did still get to a few local gigs, but much fewer classical performances. Historically it was Willow who had expressed a particular interest in these, and as she had not been home educated for about 3yrs, it seemed to make sense to redirect our time.
Enjoying a piano concert in Government House's gardens.
We had a lot of fun doing chemistry in our kitchen using "The Wonders of Waldorf Chemistry" as our guide. It was interesting to try some of the experiments that I didn't get to with the older kids- such as burning sulphur, and also to have some trouble with experiments I expected to work, because we had done them before.
Making charcoal.
Attempting to burn charcoal.
Burning some different items-including sulphur, which has the blue flame.
Our reading- King Arthur and the Knights of the Round table by Llancelyn Green, and The King of Ireland's Son by Colum- which we did a series of paintings about.
Paintings by Irving. (All paintings are inspired by the King of Ireland's Son.)
Paintings by Arden.
Arden's painting on the left, and mine on the right.
My paintings.