We headed off the Spare Parts Puppet Theatre's performance of "The Arrival", this time at UWA. We had seen this before, but we love Shaun Tan's books and figured it would be worth seeing again. It was the first time for Irving to see it, and he was entranced! We had a little walk through UWA's gardens (I do love it there!)
We have an enormous old suitcase filled with lego, and I thought that it was time we started sorting it (we made quite a bit of progress but still have to finish). The amount of blocks has been making it hard for everyone to rebuild models, so I started putting things into coloured boxes. We managed to get one of our oldest sets rebuilt...The Knight Bus!
And whilst on the Harry Potter theme, Gabriel decided that he is interested in reading Harry Potter in Latin, and the first book arrived in the post recently!
"Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis".
We managed to get down to Elizabeth Quay for some iceskating again this year, we had been all intending to go, but we left booking a little late. Personally I preferred the ice-skating being in the cultural centre, where we could sit and watch the skaters more easily, but the rink is a better size at the Quay. Also we missed the very early sessions, when we could get up whilst it was still cold and feel like we were somewhere wintery!
Otherwise over the break, I've managed to get a little sewing in (working on my first pair of trousers-linen ones for Gabriel), taking in a skirt, learning about pattern drafting, adding embellishments to some pants that I had that are starting to look a bit sad! So I've been pleased to clear out my pile a bit...still some stuff left there and a few days left, so hopefully more will get done! Plus Gabriel's trousers aren't quite finished! I ran out of thread, just as I got to the hems and sewing the belt loops! :/ Gabriel and I had hoped to get through the pair he'll make during the break, but instead we're only just starting them. On a positive not I feel like I know the process of making them well enough that it should go fairly smoothly.
Irving and Arden and I have also done a few walks, bike rides, bit of scootering and skateboarding and catching up with friends. We'd been a bit slack with getting Arden riding a bike, he had a balance bike when small, but we hadn't got around to him pedalling, so we finally got that sorted, and spent some time alone the river. Plus of course given the time of year that it is, we got wellies out and went splashing through puddles!
Checking out the water draining.
Puddles at the Park.
Stopping off for a drink! (Plus had to take wellies off to be comfy!)
Umbrellas in preparation for rain, and heading out for a walk with Willow!
Relaxing in the various seasonal weather!