Gabriel did lots of star drawing, but in usual style wanted to try out Willow's work too.
Sewing is happening nicely- Willow is doing well on her shirt. And Gabriel and I are doing a great job at making him a kilt out of an old sheet. But really that's our practise run- soon we'll buy some nice kilt fabric and get going on the real one.
For the first time in my life (since leaving home) we have our own car in the driveway. It seems very odd, and looks like we're fitting into Adelaide life, except that we don't drive it much. My brother offered us the car, and I thought it was a good idea, as we've been meaning to do some journeying out of Adelaide. So after changing the registration, we had a cleaning day- my brother lives out bush so it was rather grubby! And decided to go for a drive. Trouble was it was good Friday, and we couldn't really think of anywhere to go. But on the Saturday we went out and had a look at the Farmers Market at Willunga. The Market there was amazing! Particularly the spices. It was a bit of a hike, but well worth the journey.