On Friday we will be participating in the Fringe parade again. Should be good fun in general, though I have been disappointed compared to last year, there was much more scope for the kids to express themselves creatively. Based off this years, experience so far, I wouldn't bother to organise a group. The flags are very uniform, the clothes are very uniform, and there is to be no banners put forth to identify various groups. Laughably, IMO, one of the themes for this year is anti-authoritarianism and Punk. We aren't even permitted, in theory, to choose which clothes we wear fit their colour scheme- red shirt, black/white pants, and red accessories. Possibly we should all turn up in purple, and point out part of the theme is punk.....
We've also bought some tickets for performances in this years Fringe- so we are looking forward to that. One is a taiko drumming performance, and another is a Circus performance. As usual we are also considering attending Womad.